vaping in Australia

How to get started with vaping in Australia?

In a world where the first-ever vape shop opened in 2007 and big tobacco companies are now investing in vaping, it’s no surprise that many people are wondering if they should try their hand at vaping. Vaping has been touted as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes for decades. Experts agree that switching from tobacco cigarettes to e-cigarettes can be beneficial for your health as well as your pocketbook. There’s only one real question: How to get started with vaping? This blog post will give tips on what to be aware of when buying a vape in Australia.

Know the law.

You must be 18 years or older, according to the law in Australia, to purchase e-cigarettes and vaping devices.

No laws prohibit the advertising or promotion of e-cigarettes and vaping devices.

In general, it is illegal to smoke in public places and workplaces across Australia, with some exceptions for designated smoking areas and accommodation providers who can choose whether they allow smoking on their premises.

Consider dual use as an option.

For some people, dual-use is a viable option. If you still have trouble quitting smoking, consider dual use. It is not the same as quitting entirely and can be dangerous if done incorrectly. However, it allows you to slowly reduce your nicotine intake while still enjoying the benefits of vaping.

Dangers of Dual Use

While using both vaping and smoking may seem like an obvious way to reduce health risks, it has its dangers that should be considered before deciding on this approach.

Smoking is more addictive than vaping (and therefore harder to quit). While vapers can become dependent on e-cigarettes, there is no nicotine in the products themselves—the user must get their nicotine from other sources, such as gum or patches, when they want a fix without having their e-cigarette handy at all times.

Some smokers may be on prescription only.

  • Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is the most common smoking cessation aid. It comes in patches, gum, lozenges and inhalers and is available on prescription in Australia.
  • You can get NRT from your doctor if you have a valid medical condition that requires it. The doctor will ask you to fill out some paperwork before prescribing the medication to ensure it’s safe for you to take and that no other health issues are getting in the way of its use.
  • Your local pharmacy may also stock over-the-counter nicotine products like gums or patches for sale without a prescription from a doctor. However, these aren’t as effective as with one due to not being explicitly tailored towards your needs.

Vape smoking is not a medical product.

It’s important to remember that vaping has no health benefits and is not approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

Vape in Australia is not banned, so anyone can buy and sell vape products as they like. However, it’s illegal to sell e-cigarettes or nicotine e-liquid if they contain nicotine unless one has a licence from TGA called an Australian Authorised Prescription Product (AAPP).

It’s easy to buy an e-cigarette, e-liquid and vape in Australia, either from specialist stores or from various online sources.

Vaping is legal in Australia, so you can buy e-cigarettes and vaping devices (and e-liquid) from specialist stores or online.

You can also purchase nicotine-free e-liquids to make your flavours.

You can use vaping to stop smoking.

Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are not medical products and should not be used as such. They are intended for recreational use and are not cessation devices or nicotine replacement therapy.

E-cigarettes deliver nicotine in a vapour rather than smoke, which means it doesn’t have the same chemicals as cigarettes, making them safer for your health.

Plenty of options are available if you’re a smoker who wants to try vaping to quit smoking. Some shops will sell you vape pens and e-liquid if you ask for them, while online stores can provide everything you need to start immediately. Vape smoking is not a medical product, so there are no prescription requirements – make sure that any e-cigarette or vaping device you buy meets safety standards before using it.