malfunctioning old catalytic converter

How should one handle a malfunctioning old catalytic converter?

The vehicle’s intricate system comprises numerous components, inevitably succumbing to wear and tear. While disposable parts can be discarded, certain devices, like the car’s catalytic converter, require special consideration. While most drivers understand its function, not everyone is aware of proper actions when it malfunctions. Disposing of it thoughtlessly would be an error; a more prudent choice is to explore selling options. The details on how and where to proceed with this process are elaborated in the subsequent sections of the article.

Online platforms

An unobvious but very popular method of getting rid of a catalyser in the US today is to sell your catalytic converter on a specialized platform. For example, autocatalystmarket, where you can calculate in advance how much money you will get after the sale.

This system works very simply – you can register on the platform, use an online calculator to calculate its objective value, look for buyers, which can be both an ordinary person and recycling companies.

The pros of this option are as follows:

  • you don’t need to look for specialized sales outlets, respectively, you don’t need to go anywhere;
  • no need to think about how to properly dispose of the catalytic converter;
  • you don’t have to search for buyers for a long time.

This is the most optimal option, but we will also consider others.

Direct buyers

You can find someone to buy your catalytic converter from you on your own. To do this, you can simply ask acquaintances if they know people who need such a part. This method is quite simple and popular, but it is low-effective. The catalytic converter is not a household item that everyone needs, especially if it is no longer functioning.

Scrap yards

These are specialized points where you can hand over any metal and get a reward for it. It is a popular enough method of selling car parts, as everyone knows about it and there are such points in almost every city. The plus side is that you can sell absolutely anything there that consists of metal, no matter how valuable it is.

But it is also important to understand the disadvantages of this method. They consist of the fact that appraisers in such points work “spontaneously”. They do not have an accurate pricing system, you can not know in advance how much you will get to sell the catalytic converter for. Because of this, there are a number of problems such as biased valuation of goods and underpricing. In such warehouses, you may get less for a catalytic converter that is well-preserved and still carries a lot of value, simply because it will be subjectively valued by the warehouse employee.

Thus, the best option is to use an online platform. Here, the price will only depend on how well-preserved the item is, what metals it is made up of and how valuable they are. Also, market conditions can affect the prices. Since the harmful substances neutraliser is made up of valuable metals, its price is influenced by stock exchange quotations, but these are the only influencing factors. Now you know where you can dispose of your old catalytic converter and make the most of it.