MERN stack

Why is MERN stack our preferred platform for Startups apps?

The app development industry is growing day by day. Developing an app needs many unique and robust designs and tech stacks. That is why app development companies are focusing on creating MERN stack developers as per the current web development trends.

Choosing a strong technical stack plays an important role in software development. If you are looking to get an edge over your competitors then MERN stack is the best choice for you. MERN offers the best package of the technologies to mobile app developers. If you want to implement MERN stack properly then you can or hire dedicated developers or you can extend your development team.

In this blog, we will show you the benefits of MERN stack. Also, we will show you why hiring a MERN stack developer can be the best decision for you.

What are the advantages of MERN stack?

MERN stack is a collection of robust technologies that is used to make scalable applications. It is a user-friendly JavaScript framework used to build dynamic websites and applications. That is why many startups prefer it over other platforms. Here are the advantages of using MERN stack in your software development:

1. Ease of development

Web development becomes easy when you use MERN. It uses a single language to make web applications. That is why it is a good choice for working on a demo project or for making a Minimum Viable Product.

Another important thing about the MERN stack is that each line of its code is written in Javascript. It is a widely used language for both the client-side and server-side.

With the usage of a single language in all tiers, there is no need to switch the context. Thus Javascript makes the web development easy as you just need to know JSON and Javascript.

2. High scalability

SaaS web applications are constantly developing and they are scalable in nature. They can be easily upgraded as per the market demands. Also, the MERN stack is flexible with Node.JS boosting the processing capabilities.

MongoDB is a NoSQL database which is highly scalable and compatible with the cloud storage.

3. Better Performance

If better performance and high productivity is your aim, then MERN stack is perfect for you. By using the MERN stack, you can easily make native applications. This can help you to provide a better user experience.

Technically, ReactJS performs better than AngularJS as it can directly update the virtual DOM. It also uses the child and parent components for rendering interactive interface. In this way, MERN stack can provide you with a great performance.

4. Reusable codes

In ReactJS, codes are reusable and that is why it becomes easier for developers to implement the proper development practices. This can increase the developer’s productivity and cuts down the turn around time.

React codes can also reuse for cross-platform app development. These reusable codes also allow faster development of SaaS modules. Due to this development, you can create a usable production version in the least time.

5. Flexible modifications

Reusable codes of MERN provide flexible modifications to the developers. MERN’s reusable codes have integrated with the cloud. Thus, it becomes easy for the developers to test the codes and rectify them remotely. This will reduce the time of app development and testing. Also, it enables immediate and effective alterations in the applications.

Why you need a MERN stack developer for your project?

It is beneficial for any new startup to hire MERN stack developer initially, as it contains great community support. MERN stack developers can decrease the burden of your web development by enabling you to access a great pool of talent. But the list doesn’t end here, there are also some other reasons to hire a MERN stack developer for your project which are as follows:

1. MERN developers are flexible

Startups are going to face all types of challenges. They need to make constant changes in their strategies from time to time to cope with changing markets. So they need flexibility in their development.

Flexibility is the best thing about the MERN developers. Also, they are specialised in multiple verticals. As a startup owner, you can rely on your MERN developer for backend or frontend architecture.

If you do not have back end or front end support and you still want to make a great web infrastructure, then hiring a team of MEAN stack developers is the best choice for you.

2. The constant growth of developers

MERN stack developers can easily understand your requirements due to their expertise. By hiring the MEAN stack developers, you just have to supervise your work as the developers can handle the development. Also, they will grow with your startup and provide you with great benefits in the long run.

A full-stack developer can perfectly communicate the requirement and can act as a connecting link between the team and the client in a technical way. So you can hire a MEAN developer if you want to grow your business.

3. Cost-efficient

Running a startup is not so easy, you need clear communication and effective execution of your business goals. At an early stage of your business, you need to take every decision carefully as one wrong decision can cost you a lot.

In today’s time, you need to create a highly scalable mobile app and a robust website to flourish your business. So, if you are planning to make a website or an app for your business, then you should hire a full stack developer.

A MERN stack developer can help you to set up your app or website by efficiently handling the back end, database and front end. Thus you can get better flexibility in business operations with a fewer number of people.

Final words

The benefits of using MERN stack is hard to overlook. MERN’s flexible architecture supports cloud-powered database which can effortlessly handle many transactions. Also, it can provide quality user interfaces.

MERN offers a great speed for data retrieval and flexible deployments. MERN has strong community support for the open-source technologies and libraries that can help you to cut down your development costs.

Hope you like this blog. Thanks for reading.

Author Bio:

Shahid Mansuri Co-founder Peerbits, one of the leading offshore development team providers. With his guidance many companies hire remote developers from Peerbits for their complex and customized projects. His years of hardwork, dedication, and experience has helped him in developing profound expertise for a wide array of technologies, tools, and platforms. He believes in sharing his strong knowledge base with learned concentration on entrepreneurship and business.