Men and women of different ages are subject to lifestyle changes due to excessive body fat. However, not all weight loss recommendations and theories are proven and true . It often happens that unprofessional articles about unsubstantiated theories spread on social networks and gain unnecessary attention from the general public. In our article, you will read 4 Myths About Weight Loss, Eating Healthy, And Exercising. The rejection of these myths is based on research and claims made by experts. Read our one more article about weight loss based on Sarah’s discovery.
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4 weight loss myths:
1. Exercising without muscle fever is not effective enough
Muscle fever is basically an inflammation and chemical reaction of the body after a strenuous physical activity. Sometimes it shows up right after training, sometimes in 1-2 days. Don’t be surprised if you wake up without pain the next day after your workout. Muscle inflammation is not the rule ; some Olympic athletes have not experienced a muscle fever for several years. Therefore, if you don’t have muscle fever after exercising, don’t believe the statement that you haven’t exercised enough. Inflammation of the muscles is not an indicator of fat burning , muscle growth, or effective exercise. The improvement in shape and fat burning is manifested in greater strength, endurance and body change . Assessing the effectiveness of training based on pain and muscle length does not make sense. You know the effectiveness of exercise best during exercise.
Muscle fever is sometimes a very uncomfortable post-exercise manifestation that can severely limit your daily activities. Surely you’ve heard a few theories and tips on how to get rid of muscle fever as quickly as possible. Getting rid of muscle inflammation has been the subject of much research. Her goal was to study the effects of massage, cryotherapy (cold therapy), stretching, and light exercise . The results showed that only massage has a certain effect on muscle regeneration , which is also so small that it has no clinical significance. If you are interested in cold therapy , the 2016 analysis included theInvestigated importance of bathing in cold water to get rid of muscles. After the results, it’s a little more important than doing nothing. The best effect was bathing in 11-15 ° C water for 11-15 minutes . Do you want to get rid of muscle fever but didn’t like showering in lukewarm water? We have a tip for you to find out more.
2. You need to have breakfast
Do not think that breakfast is required to lose weight. A 2014 study looked at the effects of breakfast on weight loss and found that breakfast had no effect on weight loss. No significant change was found in 283 participants out of 309 test subjects. Another myth about breakfast is that breakfast can increase your metabolism , and skipping breakfast leads to hunger, cramps, and weight gain. Breakfast generally has no effect on body weight, but every organism is unique. Cramps and hunger are a reaction of the body to an empty stomach and a long time without food. There is no general advice, but a regular and balanced diet is key to health and optimal weight. Have you heard of the abbreviation IIFYM? This is a flexible diet that allows you to lose weight without any significant restrictions.
3. You need to exclude all carbohydrates during weight loss
The human body gets three basic macronutrients in food – proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for daily functioning, but excessive consumption can lead to weight gain. If you consume more carbohydrates than your body needs, some of them will be stored in cells as glycogen and the rest will be converted into fat .
When carbohydrates are two basic types to be distinguished:
- Complex carbohydrates – found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, or legumes. This type of carbohydrate is healthier, it contains minerals, vitamins, and fiber, and you will feel full for longer. Complex carbohydrate molecules have a longer chain and include monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides.
- Simple carbohydrates – also called sugars – are made up of one or two molecules. It is a source of quick energy that you will get hungry for quickly. They can be found in sweets, sugar or white bread, for example.
Carbohydrates are believed to be the leading cause of obesity, and various diets have been developed in recent years to limit carbohydrate intake. The best known are:
- Ketogenic Diet – High Fat, Low Protein , and Low Carbohydrate
- Atkins diet – high in protein and fat, low in carbohydrates
- Paleo diet – high in protein and fat, low in carbohydrates
The body takes energy from carbohydrates and fats , and when it runs out of carbohydrates it starts converting fats into energy. In addition to burning fat, other processes are taking place to reduce carbohydrate intake in the human body so that people find this type of diet to be successful. These diets recommend foods that are high in fiber and water , which means that they contain fewer calories and reduce your caloric intake. Without carbohydrates, you also limit the leaching of serotonin , which has been shown to boost appetite. Last but not the least, increase your protein intake so that you stay in your body longer and you feel good full longer. Controlling your carbohydrate intake is very important in maintaining adequate weight , and excessive consumption can lead to an increase in kilograms. But that doesn’t mean you absolutely have to rule them out. Rather, focus on complex carbohydrates and try to monitor your total caloric intake.
The study looked at the success of diets based on macronutrient ratios. The results clearly show that calorie intake is crucial, not the protein, carbohydrate and fat ratio. Comparing the high and low carbohydrate diets for 6 and 12 weeks gave the same results. If you want to lose weight, try lowering your total caloric intake and combine this with exercise. Short-term diets can reduce weight for a period of time, but a yo-yo effect is common. Would you like to learn more about the yo-yo effect? Read the article – Yo-yo Effect and How to Fight It .
4. The more you sweat, the more you lose weight
The myth of sweat and weight loss is similar to the myth of muscle fever. He claims that if you don’t sweat enough while exercising, you won’t burn fat and your exercise will not make sense . This hoax is fairly common but is not based on the truth at all. Sweating is a cooling process in the human body during which the body maintains body temperature and prevents overheating . However, more sweat during exercise does not automatically mean more fat burning.
Among the well-known activities associated with increased sweating is Bikram Yoga , which is said to burn up to 1000 kcal per hour. However, the scientific study has refuted this nonsense. During the 90-minute training session , women burned just 390 calories and men 460 calories . This is because even during activities where no sweat is visible, such as walking, B. Swimming or training in winter at low temperatures, reduces fat and burn.
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