Healthcare solutions for 2021: The year 2021 will be going to a year of technology with mostly activities and operations to be performed with the help of advanced technologies and automation. Due to pandemic effects, the demand of automated as well as intelligent solutions has grown exponentially.
We, through this article, are going to talk about those automated and intelligent solutions that acted as saviors to the industry of health meanwhile pandemic and will be pursuing in the same way ahead as well.
The solutions or trends in the healthcare industry for are as follows:
- Pharmacy management software
Pharmacies are the real-time runners to this health industry. They circulate the medicines or drugs into and from the market to the consumers.
But then there comes an obstacle that many pharmacists used to hurdle traditionally that of mistakenly providing the not required dose to the patient due to too much hustle and bustle simultaneously.
Pharmacy management software or system accommodates a pharmacist to manage and dispense the drugs correctly and notify the dispenser whether the drug is appropriate or not and for the needy candidate or not.
In fact, the trend in 2021 for pharmacy systems is that now they offer clinical decision support along with that allows clinical interventions by the pharmacist so that the patient could directly conversate and consult with the dispenser regarding the doses and drugs whenever required.
- PACS software development
It is basically for radiology concern. Stands for Picture Archive and communication system that allows the radiologist to store and retrieve the 2D or 3D films related to radiology without storing any hard print of the same unlike the traditional radiology process used to be.
It saves the time and space of storage. And so does the human resource to take care of the belongings and stuff related to radiology i.e. huge in amount or numbers.
An additional benefit of PACS software is that it allows the specialists to teach further without having to ask for or gather such films individually from different patients.
The speed of retrieval of the images from the database has been reported as an issue by many users. Also about the quality of image which got degraded after a certain period of time, are some of the disadvantages we may consider of PACS software.
Yet, 2021 has come up with the advancement in the storing and quality retaining ability. Thus, you may now just have to hire dedicated developers for PACS software development so that you may not require to hustle and bustle for these issues anymore.
Just make sure that you get full-time consultancy over this software from the same company or it’ll be a deal of loss to deploy such a software within the business.
- EHR AND eRX Software integrations
Electronic prescription software and its integration with the electronic health record system is very desirable for any healthcare business organization.
If an EHR system maintains the entire backlog and history of a particular patient, it becomes way easier with the medical management software to proceed ahead. Be it then for the patient or the doctor or the medical business provider itself.
eRX, on the other end, is an online or electronic prescription software that allows a medical professional to either transmit a new or to renew the existing prescription of the patient without writing on it physically but accessing it digitally only.
It saves a bulk of valuable time that only a patient or its guardian could understand that too when such circumstances are faced in real-time. Once a patient record has been entered into such a system, it allows medical experts as well as the advanced medical decision making algorithm to suggest a decision over its condition and prescription on the basis of one’s history diagnosis report available in the system.
- Veterinary Practice management software
Veterinary software is equally essential for the veterinary business owners as well as for the pet owners too. As this software integrates various veterinary service providers with each other and manages to track for the necessary supplies and compliance regarding the tools and equipment required.
Usually, veterinary centers and institutions carry all the necessary hardware but for such centers which have a higher frequency rate of treating a particular breed of animal, it helps in keeping the track of dedicated veterinary equipment required for such instances and manages to connect all the available suppliers and vendors that could help in the time of need.
- Custom Veterinary applications
Such applications prove themselves helpful in storing animal’s quintessential information that could be accessed by any person who is dealing with the pet now or in the near future. As usually, the pets in some places are owned by the first or second caretaker at different stages of time. Thus, having basic information about the pet on system application proves useful in crucial medical conditions that arrive without alerting anyone.
- Medical practice management software
Medical practice management software is the future of the healthcare industry. It comes under enterprise software development processes like ERP for the enterprise industries or the organizations with large-scale production. Alike EPR solution, that helps running the entire operational segment within an organization by keeping track of available inventory along with employee relationships as well as benefit management.
A medical practice management software helps a medical business to run smoothly by handling payroll, compliances, appointments, patient’s admission, record storing, and up to discharge and what not single-handedly.
This would be and has already set its footprints into the healthcare industry and it would be no wonder if this solution would ever revolutionize with its amazing results.
- Telemedicine
Healthcare solutions for 2021: According to the statistical figures insurance, nearly half of the patient visits in the year 2020, have adopted telehealth or telemedicine Oklahoma solutions and services.
The method is revolutionary because it does what the time has asked for. It reduced the necessity to meet one-to-one. Thus, with more than 70% of growth rate within a year, telehealth solutions are one of the most successful and latest trends in healthcare solutions for 2020 as well as 2021.
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It has a better future too because wearable technology is a sister-like technology that would not only facilitate in informing the patient but also felicitate the integration of two trending technologies i.e. wearable technology with healthcare solutions.
Healthcare solutions for 2021: We can envisage in this way that, healthcare industry used to grow at a comparatively lower pace which is now rectified or accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As everything in this world has two faces either positive or the other is negative.
This pace that we are seeing in the healthcare industry in the form of new healthcare solutions are nothing but the positive side of the situation.

An author of DigitalGpoint, We have published more articles focused on blogging, business, lifestyle, digital marketing, social media, web design & development, e-commerce, finance, health, SEO, travel.
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Nice post
Very informative content. As we know that everything has two sides, positive and negative, this pandemic has affected industries globally. But it boosts the pace of the healthcare industry. Technology has completely changed the way we live. During these tough times, technology has immensely improved and become a helping hand for doctors and patients. Anyone can easily order medicines through an app with few clicks. The healthcare companies should emphasize more on healthcare app development so that the ill person can be cured on time. They can hire a mobile app development company for the same.