Post-graduation Options After B.Tech

Post-graduation Options After B.Tech

Mostly science with Math (PCM) students prefer to select B.Tech for pursuing their undergraduate degree. B.Tech is basically a 4 years graduate course that every engineering college offers for its students. IIT and NIT are some of the popular colleges offering B.Tech graduation degree & Post-graduation Options After B.Tech.

However, do they think what should be done next? Students start thinking about their careers after the 3rd year of their graduation degree. Most students prefer to apply for jobs or chose to join the campus placement.
Other students want to specialize their knowledge and skill and think of pursuing post-graduation courses or other professional courses. Pursuing a master’s degree in their specific fields of engineering will enhance their skills and knowledge and help them to work as a professional in the future.
Pursuing a master’s degree will not only help in the enhancement of skills but also offers the best job opportunities for the candidates. At this moment, students get confused about selecting the best master’s course or post-graduation course for their future.

Here, we have mentioned some of the post-graduation options that a B.Tech student can select for a better future. Go through these courses and select the best option according to you.

Options for Master’s Degree

A Master’s degree is essential for students to carry on their professional lives successfully and efficiently. Now, when it comes to pursuing post-graduation for the science students, there are several options that we have mentioned below:

1. M.Tech:

Master’s in Technology is the first thing that comes to every student for pursuing their higher studies after B.Tech. Various engineering colleges are there that offer M.Tech in India. M.Tech excels the student’s knowledge in their respective fields.

Students need to apply for the Graduate Aptitude test as the entrance examination for pursuing M.Tech. Else, some private universities offer their own entrance exams.

2. MBA:

MBA is another post-graduation degree that students can apply for. Master’s in Business Administration will help the student to grow their knowledge in their specific fields that enhance them to work professionally in any business ethics.

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3. MS:

Master in Science is also one of the best options for the students who want to pursue a post-graduation degree after completing the B.Tech degree. MS is a post-graduate degree that helps the students to grow and offers research-oriented programs to nurture their skills.


Post Graduate Diploma in Software Engineering offers the best post-graduation degree to any graduate student. Students can easily apply for PGDSE after completing their B.Tech education. It offers specialized skills in software development. Students can enroll professionally and get advanced knowledge about different programs like Java, Java EE, and others.

Which one is better: M.Tech vs MS?

This question often appears in every student whether to take M.Tech or MS for their post-graduation. Both are best at their own place. M.Tech takes 2 years whereas MS is a 3-year course.

M.Tech offers teaching assistance for the students while in MS students get to know s the research assistants. For both of these post-graduation degrees, there are benefits of their own.

M.Tech deals with comprehensive study and every single detail are taught in so that students can get nest knowledge and best knowledge so that they can grow well professionally.

MS offers practical knowledge to the students and helps them to gain specialized knowledge in their respected fields. MS offers various different project works that make the students more confident about their profession and career.

In the end, we want to conclude that and MS both are best at their own place. It mainly depends on the student that what they want to pursue.


In this article, we have listed the best post-graduation courses that you can join and make yourself professional. Graduate students are mature enough to decide what would be the best thing for them We are just here to guide them so that the students can succeed in their lives as professionals.