Blogs are an excellent online platform to provide valuable industry news and tips to your target market, but they are also an integral part of marketing and promoting your business online. Blog posts that provide value to your readers help position you as an expert in your field and a credible source for viable information.
If you want a successful blog-one with a large readership and one that brings you customers-simply posting regularly isn’t enough. You need to market and promote your business blog. Setting aside an hour or two each week to market and promote your blog will help increase readership, position you as an expert, and grow your client base. If you’re not using your blog properly and to its full potential, you are missing out on increasing website traffic and boosting sales.
Below are 9 steps to effectively market and promote your business blog:
Table of Contents
Step 1: Attach the RSS feed widget to your blog:
RSS feed stands for Really Simple Syndication, which is a file containing a brief amount of information-a headline and synopsis-and a link to the full content on the blog. Voluntary subscribers to the specific blog RSS feed will receive this information through their RSS readers. Search engines can detect if your blog is high quality based on how many people subscribe to your blog’s RSS feed. In addition, search engines can detect how many people visit your blog from their RSS readers and how many times they click through to your blog.
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Step 2: Import blog posts into your social media sites:
With a large concentration of companies and individuals using social media sites to communicate, it’s important to import your blog into social media sites. Nearly all social media sites allow you to import your blog into your profile, including some of the most popular social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Importing your blog allows your target market to post comments and share posts with friends. Whenever a comment is posted on your blog from a reader via Facebook, the comment is visible on the reader’s mini-feed, which can be seen by all of the reader’s friends.
Step 3: Create a blog marketing and promotion schedule:
Creating a strict blog marketing and promotion schedule ensures you will stay organized and current with its promotion. Don’t forget to set aside time to track your blog posts and recycle posts into articles.
Step 4: Comment on like-minded blogs:
One thing many bloggers don’t realize is the importance of commenting on other blogs. Commenting on like-minded blogs is a powerful networking tool and works to increase inbound links to your own blog. Your comments should be relevant to the blog topic, add value and your expertise to what is being said in the blog, give positive feedback, pick the interest of the author and other viewers, provide links to similar pieces you may have written about the subject, and have a link to your email and website below each comment.
Step 5: Approach popular, like-minded bloggers, and ask if you could be a guest blogger:
Search engines look highly upon blogs mentioned on other blogs because it illustrates that your blog provides intellectual material that ignites curiosity and discussion in the online community. Aside from other blogs, if search engines find your blog’s URL on social media sites and social bookmarking sites, these social media sites consider this a positive indicator that your blog is high quality.
Step 6: Request to be on popular, like-minded bloggers’ blogrolls:
After commenting on other blogs and requesting to be a guest blogger-and vice versa-it’s time to request to be on those bloggers’ blogrolls. Since you have a basis of a relationship with most of these bloggers now, you are more likely to receive a yes to be on their blogroll. Being present on other blogrolls helps increase inbound links and drive targeted traffic to your blog and website. If you are thinking of starting your own blog then you will be requiring a cheap web hosting that can provide you space in the online world. Have a look at the comparison of 2 best web hosting providers in the industry – Bluehost vs Hostinger.
Step 7: Track blog posts:
Tracking the popularity of specific posts helps you see what topics are of interest to your readers. Regularly tracking your blog also helps you track key phrases people use to find your blog and the number of click-throughs you receive.
Step 8: Recycle posts into articles:
Recycling past blog posts into online articles helps to increase inbound links, position you as an expert in your field, and reach thousands of potential customers. Articles are the perfect way to recycle important and valuable information and share it with thousands of individuals who have never visited your blog before.
Hey, I am Shubham Chopra, founder of Marketing Savior and an exuberant content creator with a great zest for providing insightful reviews about digital products that will help startups & SMEs penetrate into the online world easily.
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